Thursday, December 6, 2012

The future vision of India

Hello all! In the past blogs I have focused on the present state of India, or even what has happened in the past. This is the blog that looks into the future. There will be 3 different time periods we will look at; 1000 years from now, 10,000 years from now, and 1,000,000 from now. Now remember the first blog when we looked at how India collided with the Eurasian plate? That will play a huge roll in this blog. But lets get started.

India 1000 years from now:

Despite that erosion and weathering are attacking the Himalayas; probably with frost wedging, a processes that gets water into the cracks of the rocks and freezes inside the rock, breaking it apart bit by bit, the Himalayas are only going to continue to grow. This is because the Indian-Australian plate is continuing into the Eurasian plate. There will not be much of a difference of change but the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau will continue to rise because of this. The reason why the Tibetan plateau will continue to rise is due to India sinking underneath the continent, creating a double crust and making the world try to reach equilibrium. This is called isostacy, since there is more crust being added, the ground is trying to reach the middle ground, so to speak. The mass wasting events won’t do much damage to the large Himalayas because they are so large.  

I used this picture to illustrate the movement from India is pushing up the Tibetan plateau due to isostacy. This is the best picture to find because it shows the movement of India uplifting. Photo courtesy of

India 10,000 years from now:

The infamous large mountains are only going to grow larger as India collides into them. But the country India will have head way into the Eurasian plate and there will be a bit of land that is in the mountains. This movement of India will affect its climate, just a little. The end of India will possibly move from the equatorial low into the subtropical high making the nice moist end of India move into a possible semi- arid region, as the windward side of the country will continue to be moist.

This picture shows where India is placed in terms of where the Hadley cells are. This shows that the movement into the Eurasian plate will cause the very tip and possibly Sir Lanka to move completely into the subtropical highs. Photo courtesy of
India 1,000,000 from now:

If you skipped from present day to now, you would see the significant difference of the size of India which is still moving into the Tibetan plateau. The Himalayas would be even bigger despite the weathering and erosion, because the giants are only continuing to grow. The only real weathering that could be really possible would be frost wedging due to how cold it is at the summit of the mountain. Other places have more opportunities like the loss of vegetation at the base could create a rock fall, the angle of repose would only help with the change. 

In conclusion:
India is going to disappear, sadly. Each year it sinks underneath the Eurasian plate due to plate tectonics and the only evidence of India will be conserved in the Himalayas, which will one day be weathered and eroded away. The end of the Himalayas will be the last of the country India.
Goodbye all!