Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Of Tectonic Plates and Deccan Plateau

Hello all! Now it is actually time to learn a little about India. One of the really cool things about India is that it was once it's own continent. Due to plate tectonics it crashed into the tectonic plate that Asia is on. This kind of plate tectonics is called convergent continent- continent which ended up creating the Himalayas. Which can create a difficulty when trying to get to another place outside of India. 

This is a visual of what India looked like moving  up into the Eurasian plate.,r:9,s:0,i:168 

 But that is not all, particularly where Mumbai is, it is on something called the Deccan Plateau where there was at one time a flood basalt, which is an area of lava spills. Pretty cool right? Who would have known India was so active in terms of geography? Which brings a lot of tourism.

Here is what the Deccan Plateau looks like in India.  The layers of black show the basalt flows.,r:11,s:0,i:132&tx=110&ty=57 

This shows the extent of the Deccan Plateau and Mumbai , which is called Bombay in the picture,  happens to be apart of the pretty picture of layers above.,r:11,s:0,i:171